Azra’s Astrology: Pisces the Fish

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. The twelfth and final zodiac sign is Pisces.

Fish are important to humans. Always have been. It’s really no surprise that most of their mythic imagery contains fish in one way or another. That’s why the Pisces zodiac is not surprising. They are, simply put, fish.

Not to be confused with the majestic, yet terrifying Goat Fish, Pisces tend to focus on the dreams of their victims. Yes, you read that right; victims. They are masters at hypnosis and will have any poor soul trapped in an illusion faster than they could blink. Once in that illusion, the Pisces can control what happens to the victim in this imaginary world. Why do they do all of this? Simple. It’s secrets they are after. All of your secrets. But why do they want your secrets? I dunno. It’s a mystery. You can bet they’re not up to anything good, though.

Pisces often tend to be entertainers of some kind- musicians, dancers, actors, poets, circus folk, or therapists. Anything that will allow them a chance to suck their audience into the imaginary world they create. It’s all a trap.


Feb 19- Mar 20

Ruling Planet

Jupiter & Neptune


Fish! All of the fish.

Mythic Background

Think of any fish in any mythology or religion ever. Yep. That’s the one.



Recognizable Traits

Intuitive dreamers, caring, sympathetic natures, if not a bit flighty.




Compassionate, creative, imaginative, and Idealistic. 


Purple & White


Sensitive, unreliable, not rooted in




I Believe



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A mysterious disease crops up around noon today. Was it the fish? Or is it stage 12 necrosis? WebMD to the rescue?

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Today’s a great day to fight someone. Who knows? They might just have it coming.

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Lying is an important part of being an adult. Today, lie your tuckus off. It just may save you from something terrible.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

So you want to save the world? That’s nice. Check into the insurance that would require first.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

They’re all going to laugh at you whether you intend them to or not.

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Stop wandering through life or you’ll get lost and miss supper. At least get a GPS.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

You can’t help it if people can’t live up to your high standards. That’s their problem, not yours.

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Someone needs to talk to you. Be wary because it’s life or death and there’s a 50/50 chance you could die from this interaction.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

You’re not safe. Not here, not now. Watch for the daffodils. They know.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

You are being deceived by your friend. That glint in their eye? Betrayal.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Your friends are starting shit. What are you gonna do about it?

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It’s all about traditions! If they can’t respect that, then they are no use to you or your grand schemes.


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

Azra’s Astrology: Capricorn the Goat Fish?

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. The tenth zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Goat-fish or sea-goats are a real thing. Or at least they were. Like the centaurs, these creatures were created in antiquity and then eventually were discovered to be hellish abominations. Unlike the centaurs, the goat-fishes wanted dominion over the land and sea. They attacked many human settlements and fishing ships, waging one of the first inter-species wars. Because of their irascibility, humans learned to kill them on sight or avoid them at all costs. The sea-goats eventually made their way to the wilderness and would only attack if some human came too close to their nest. They say there are few sea-goats left in the world, but the ones who hang on still have a burning desire for world domination.

People born under the sign of Capricorn tend to be stubborn and selfish, like their symbol, the sea-goats. They may or may not be planning to take over the world, so if you meet one, use extreme caution. It’s still uncertain if the Capricorns are affiliated with the actual remaining sea-goats, so be on the look out for strange goat-fish related paraphernalia when you hang out at your Capricorn friends’ house. Report your findings to the FBI or some other government agency. Above all else, don’t let a Capricorn know what you are doing. They will take you out without a second thought.


Dec 21- Jan 20

Ruling Planet



Goat-fish/ Sea-goat

Mythic Background

Babylonian God Ea and the goat that nursed baby Zeus, Amalthea



Recognizable Traits

Disciplined energy, resourceful, consistent, reliable, and take things pretty seriously




Perseverance, longevity, and discernment


Brown & Khaki


Stubborn, relentless, and rigid in their beliefs




I Use



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Pick up that Scam Likely call because the universe is trying to get ahold of you. Don’t send the universe to voice mail. It’s rude. 

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Avoid anything that has to do with money today. Don’t buy anything, don’t pick up pennies, don’t accept money either. It’ll be bad if you do.

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Change is coming. Use the natural energy in your life to catapult yourself straight into it. You’ll only regret it a little bit.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

People are complicated and hyper-criticism won’t help matters. Like it or not, you need people to further your nefarious plans.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

New things are tempting you with their shiny-ness. Succumb to the shiny- it could bring much excitement and change.

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Stop everything you are doing! Drop that coffee! Chuck that bagel to the side- the love of your life is coming today!

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

You can’t do this alone. It’s time to ask for [proverbial] help with burying the body.

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

A god is hunting you. Beware of the lightning as it could be your undoing.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

It’s time to come clean before you are found out. If you control the narrative, it will make your accusers think twice.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

If you chose the right weapons, you’ll be ready for whatever mortal problem comes your way.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

You’ve developed X-Ray vision! How will you use this new superpower? Inquiring minds want to know!

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Wow, you really pulled it off! Good job! You deserve to bask in the accolades. And cake.


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

Thank you so much for reading Azra’s blog! I wanted to let you know that Five Smiling Fish has a new book coming out! Fable of the Immortals by Megan Vaughn. You can check it out by clicking the button below.