Azra’s Astrology: The Tropical Zodiac & The 12 Signs

If you were either alive during or born after the 1970’s, you’ve more than likely heard something along the lines of “Oh my gosh, Becky. You’re such a Capricorn!” Or “Damnit, Jim! Stop being a Taurus for one second!” Creative insults to be sure, but what do they really mean?

The tropical zodiac (not to be confused with sidereal zodiac) is a belt of about twelve visible constellations that can be used to calculate the positions of other celestial bodies or even yourself. A simple example of this would be the north star.

Because humans have this incurable need to see patterns, they connected the dots for random stars and formed them into images known as constellations. The stories that went along with those made up dot art images morphed and changed over time depending on the dominant culture.

How does any of this relate to horoscopes? I am glad you asked. The position of these constellations and the relative position of the planets and sun and moon at a given time are the crux of horoscopic astrology. You see, where the sun is in the sky when you are born gives an indication of your basic personality traits depending on the related constellation, planets, etc. It’s a complicated dance of using information from the past and correlating it to future events using math, orbital patterns, and a metric ton of associative cross references that probably have nothing to do with anything.

The important definitions you should know to follow pop culture understanding of astrology (which is a bastardized form of the natal astrology):

Sun Signs: Where the sun is in relation to someone’s birth. So example, Jeff was born on February 12th. That makes him an Aquarius.

Moon Signs: Where the moon is in relation to the date and time of someone’s birth- like the sun sign, but with the moon instead.

There’s a lot to take in here. Over the next several weeks, I’ll be going through each of the zodiac signs and their correspondences in depth. Just know that even that is only part of the complicated science that is astrology.

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Your family dynamic is changing. Your role isn’t what it once was. Are you just going to sit there and let them replace you?

Leo   (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

You’re caught in the middle of a vicious argument. Can you trust what they are telling you? Would you want to?

Pisces  (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Critics are out in force today. How you react to them is critical in how you move forward.

Virgo   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Watch out for rising tensions and frustrations of someone close to you with a big ego. Be careful with your words as they will take it out of context.

Aries    (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

You are losing your mind. No really, all of your memories are quickly disappearing. Lists are your friend right now.

Libra    (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

You have an opportunity to turn people’s ideas about you completely on their heads! Do it! Change up your attitude, appearance, or your personality. Always keep them on their toes.

Taurus    (Apr 20 – May 20)

The tendency to lie is working against you. Avoid negative consequences and just tell the truth.

Scorpio    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Technology is not your friend. That’s okay, you know how to do stuff the old fashioned way. Who needs tech anyway?

Gemini    (May 21 – Jun 20)

They are onto your secret evil genius lair where you are developing your very own super soldiers. It may be time to move.

Sagittarius   (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

People are tired of you being so bossy. It’s time to step aside and allow someone else to take the lead.

Cancer  (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Reality is preventing you from turning completely into the fantasy realm. Sever the ties so you can be free.

Capricorn    (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

You’re going too fast for your own good. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, bro.


* I wish it went without saying that Azra is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.