Fable's Antique Road Show #4

Welcome again to Todd Mandel’s social media attempt. If you are watching this then you can probably guess that I’m not Todd and if you are listening to this on the podcast, I’ll just clarify for you that I’m the host, Fable Skelly, not Todd. And this is a really weird idea where I look at people’s old junk and tell them what I know so they can hope for a cash payout from some other organization with money.

But not your item, Mrs. . . . Doe, was it? I’m sure you’ve brought us something that’s not junk. For those of your watching this, you might be confused by me talking to a space off camera. Our Mrs. Doe has chosen not to be filmed. Or seen apparently. Where did you find that hat with a veil? I didn’t think they made those any longer?

Oh! Okay. I will mind my own business. Fine. Rude. But I guess fair, since I was rude first. Let’s get this over with. What did you bring us. Oh! Oh, wow. This is worth something? This is what is generally known as a poison ring, probably from the seventeenth century and it’s in excellent shape. The stone doesn’t even have any wear and the hinge that open still works. The little chamber under the stone is pretty filthy. Some kind of dust in there, I think. But know, these rings usually weren’t used for poison. Most of the time people kept religious relics or bit of hair of a loved one and-

What’s that Mrs. Doe? You want to know what the dust is inside this one? I’m not a chemist. I’m a teenage girl. Okay. No need for name calling. Yes, it might be leftover poison or it could be powder from a piece of saint bone or it could just be dust.

Mrs. Doe, you seem to be very interested in the killing properties of this ring and you’ve come to us under an assumed name AND you’ve covered your face. Forgive me for being blunt, however, could it be that you’re planning a murder?

Oh! Also rude. That’s a lot of swearing. Todd, can we have all that swearing on this? Oh, we’re live so it can’t be helped. Okay.

Oh and she’s gone. Yes, I suppose we should call the police. At least she left behind the ring with the Cantarella in it. Oh! Of course it’s a poison. I do know my poisons, but Mrs. Doe didn’t need to know that.

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