Five Smiling Fish

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Azra’s Astrology: The Houses Defined Part 1

Where your ruling planets are at the time of your birth is very important. Their location shapes not only the way you interact with the world, but how you interact with yourself and your attitude in life. Forget Nurture vs Nature, astrology is where all of your personality stems from. Just think of how much money you’ll save on therapy when you stop blaming others for your downfalls and out the blame squarely where it belongs- on a planet far far away.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Wait a minute there, Azra. That sounds an awful lot like a sun sign. And you would be correct. Except this is totally different. The sun sign is where the zodiac constellations are when you are born. The houses are specific to the 24-hour period known as a day on earth and it depends on where the planets that correspond with the zodiac constellations are located.

But what does that really mean? Well here. I’ll explain what each of the houses mean. You will have to draw up your own birth chart to make it make sense for you. But, with this blog series, you should be able to do that, no problem!

1st House: The Ascendant or Rising Sign. This is arguably the most important because this House determines the face you show the world. This is your first impression as well as how you will interact with the world. It’s why your body is the way it is and why you are either quick to anger or if you are chill.

2nd House: Material Possessions and Value. There’s the idea that some are just born rich, that’s reinforced with astrology and what’s influencing your second house.

3rd House: Communication. This House is all about how people communicate and is linked to intelligence- as in how well we can communicate our thought process to those around us.

4th House: Family and Home. The concept of home and family are traditionally what roots us to who we are. How humans interpret home and what they do to create their home are influenced here.

5th House: Pleasure. It’s all about the love, baby. This house shapes and influences your romantic relationships and endeavors. Additionally, it’s all about creativity and finding the pleasure in everyday things. Not necessarily sex, though that does have it’s own house.

6th House: Health. This isn’t just about common or even uncommon ailments. It’s about how we take care of ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally.



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You’re being lazy. Get someone to push you off the couch. Netflix will still be there later.

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Reflection is in the air today. What are your biggest regrets?

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

You’ve been outed as a witch! Turn the villagers into newts. It’s your only hope to survive.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your skills have increased! Now demand more money from the bosses. That always goes over well.

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Or you’re pregnant. Either way, bust out the Clorox wipes!

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

It’s pilgrimage time for you! Pack up and head to Egypt. The gods demand it.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

Money rains from the sky today! Time for a shopping spree!

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Your precognition abilities are in full force! Go get that lottery ticket!

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

Reliving old times is fun, until you realize that your memories are broken.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Someone new comes into your life. Be cautious and keep an eye on him. He’s likely there to kill you.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

It’s best to say inside today, trapped with the things of your past.

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Today’s challenges are almost too much to handle. Take it slow and steady and reward yourself when you get through them.


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.