Azra’s Astrology: Scorpio the Scorpion (obviously)

Humans have had millennia to really think about these signs and the different correlations to them. There’s so much that even the ones I am presenting aren’t even close to everything involved with the sign in question. There’s so much more like what body parts, what tarot card, flowers, crystals, you get the idea. Use this as a jumping off point and do your own research. I am sure there’s a specific pizza associated with each of these signs too. So here we go. The eighth zodiac sign is Scorpio.

The Scorpio constellation has been recognized since Babylonian times. In Greek myth, it’s associated with the scorpion that killed Orion- yes, the one with the belt- by stinging him in the head.  

Let’s be real. Scorpions (the creature) are gross and creepy as all get out. They are essentially desert lobsters with a stinger. They are almost impossible to kill without smashing them with Thor’s hammer or Wile E. Coyote’s anvil. Scorpios (as in the zodiac sign) are eerily similar to their symbolic creature. They are mysterious and full of poison. They are nigh indestructible except by heavy smashing objects.

Scorpios are all about the business at hand. What that business actually is can be anyone’s guess. There’s no idle chatter with a Scorpio. Oh no. They are sizing you up and mentally tying you to crimes you haven’t gotten around to committing. The fact they can read other people like a book makes them extra cautious about exhibiting anything personal about themselves. They alone know what crimes they will commit and they want to keep it that way.

That being said, because of their observant natures, I am told they tend to be very considerate and passionate lovers. If you have the chance to sleep with a Scorpio, do it! Just be careful of their sting. Unless you are into that sort of thing.



Oct 23 – Nov 21

Ruling Planet

Mars and Pluto (Suck it, Pluto deniers!)


The Scorpion

Mythic Background

It’s the creature that killed Orion, but there’s also lots of suspect stories about this thing outside of Greek myth.



Recognizable Traits

Intuitive, Serious, investigative and curious.




Observant, determined, patient, passionate, and fearless.


Red and Black


Suspicious, manipulative, controlling, and slow to forgive.




I Transform



(Jan 20 – Feb 18)

You need to find equilibrium. Like now. Also eat a vegetable. 

Leo                        (Jun 23 – Aug 22)

Arguments are cropping up all over the place. Be aware of how you are communicating as that may be what’s causing them.

Pisces              (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Inspiration will hit you like a brick today. Seize it and capitalize on it or risk losing it forever.

Virgo                   (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

It’s vital that you look at the bigger picture today. Do all the details you usually spend your time on really add up to the grand plan?

Aries                (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

Do you hear the trumpets calling you to action today? Not clear on what action to take? That doesn’t matter- just act!

Libra                     (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Flirting comes naturally today. Live it up and see what sparks fly! You’ll deal with that long term relationship tomorrow depending on how tonight goes.

Taurus          (Apr 20 – May 20)

Things are getting out of hand. Carry a fire extinguisher and a book of etiquette. You’ll be glad you did.

Scorpio                    (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

The freak flag is flying high tonight! You’ll be pulled into some crazy shenanigans at the parties you attend. Dig deep into your wallet to get the resulting footage.

Gemini         (May 21 – Jun 20)

It’s time to change again. Your next personality will be demanding so bone up on your knife skills and your perfume making abilities.

Sagittarius            (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Talk talk talk! All you want to do today is talk! Expect others to avoid you. There’s only so much inane chatter they can take.

Cancer          (Jun 21 – Jul 22)

Love is in the air tonight! Your partner will want to try something different. Go with the flow. You might actually like it!

Capricorn            (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

That coup d’état was quite amazing. You should be proud of applying yourself in such a creative and empowering way. Now what to do with the prisoners of war?


* I wish it went without saying that this is a work of fiction. Please do not take it seriously.

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