Five Smiling Fish

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Fable's Antique Road Show #6

Once again, I’m Fable Skelly. Also with me are Todd Mandel and Riley Carter. And this is Todd’s social media project, Fable’s Antiques Roadshow Rip-off. For those of you listening to this as a podcast, be glad because I haven’t eaten yet. Todd, you promised us pizza. Why after? Ugh. Fine.

Our guest is Mr. Beburg. Let’s see what you have. Woven belt with a gold buckle. Looks 16th century, but in really good shape. Where did you get this? Family heirloom. Interesting. I feel like I’ve seen this belt before. You said your name is Beburg? By any chance does your last name come from where your ancestors were born? Yes. That’s what I was afraid of. Sir, you’ve never tried to put this belt on have you? You did recently. Right. Would you excuse me for a minute.

Todd, I need to you stop recording. Riley, I just found out where all of those nighttime attacks came from. That’s the belt of Peter Stumpp who was a serial killer executed in the 1500s. Why am I so worried? Um. . . because used the belt to turn himself into a wolf and eat people.

Wait. Where did the belt go? Where did Mr. Beburg? Aw crap. Run. Run now. Everyone run! What the hell, Todd? Are you still filming? You know what, just for that, I hope you get eaten first.