Writer's Block: Movies about Writing

Writer’s Block is a 2013 short film directed by Brandon Planco and staring Bryan Cranston. Cranston plays a nameless screen writer who smokes too much while he second guesses his own work. He realizes he doesn’t know where to go with the plot and decides to take a walk. The part with him talking to himself at his computer table if very relatable. His clothes including unzipped hoody are pretty relatable too or it that just me?

This walk involves following a beautiful woman out of his hotel and into the night. The woman, listed in the credits as “Writer’s Block” leads him to a movie theatre where he has an emotional meltdown. I’m not going to give away the whole short, but understand that is a brief series of metaphors between him and the woman. Or was it?

Okay, so there’s no real ending, but I got the jist.