Yearly Thankful Traditions

It’s that time of year again. My favorite time of year (Halloween) has come and gone and now we are closing in on the hustle and bustle of the winter holiday season. In America, it’s time for Thanksgiving; a day where we all cook essentially the same meal and we gather together to sort out what the best Black Friday shopping strategy will be — I mean to reflect on the things we are thankful for in our lives. Yes. That’s it.

With all of the cooking and shopping and forced family togetherness, it’s sometimes hard to appreciate what you do have. (I always found it super ironic that right after a day of thankfulness was the day of gross consumerism, but that’s just me.)

So my Thanksgiving wish for you and yours is that you have time to stop and reflect on the things you have and the things you are truly thankful for in your life. The season to come will be full of wants and demands, so please take care of yourself and remember that it’s not about the things this holiday season. It’s about the people you spend time with, it’s about being a decent human being, and it’s about pausing and recognizing the great wealth that you already have.

Wishing you and yours a genuinely happy Thanksgiving.
